Terms and Condition

Payment methods

Payment, upon confirmation by Atex Safety Service S.r.l., must be made by bank transfer no later than 21 days prior to the start date of the course to the bank account in the name of Atex Safety Service S.r.l. at:

Credito Cooperativo di Caravaggio Adda e Cremasco
IBAN code: IT67U0844156780000000120473

General subscription conditions

  • The registration request must be sent to Atex Safety Service S.r.l. by filling in the dedicated online form on the website on the corresponding course page
  • Inscriptions will not be confirmed if payment is not received before the course takes place
  • The number of places available is limited and, in the case of registrations exceeding the maximum number established, reference will be made to the chronological order of requests’ arrival from the website
  • In order to ensure the issue of the certificate of attendance at the end of each course, it will be necessary to attend the entire total number of hours; for the Ism-ATEX and Saqr-ATEX courses, the competence certificate will be issued by a third party Body, after passing the final exam
  • Atex Safety Service S.r.l. reserves the right not to activate the course, if the minimum number of participants is not reached or if some causes arise and prevent the course from being held correctly, notifying the registered participants and returning any amounts paid
  • Any participant may make use of the withdrawal right by sending a written cancellation, at least 14 days before the course start date. In this case, the amount paid will be refunded in full. No withdrawal may be exercised after the above-mentioned deadline and that therefore any further cancellation of participation will not entitle the participant to any refund of the registration amount paid. However, a participant may be replaced at any time.
  • It is forbidden to record, reproduce and/or disseminate in any form the contents and material provided for the course, the rights and ownership of which are reserved to Atex Safety Service S.r.l.

For information on programmes and inscriptions, please contact the secretariat at

Atex Safety Service S.r.l.

Phone: +39 0373.257822
Email: formazione@atexsafetyservice.it